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BICs Update 001 - August 12 2012[POLL]

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1BICs Update 001 -  August 12 2012[POLL] Empty BICs Update 001 - August 12 2012[POLL] Sun Aug 12, 2012 9:45 pm

Jon Bon

Jon Bon

Content: Portal Home Page, Profiles, FAQs, 3 Month Anniversary
BICs Update - 001 - August 12 2012

In yesterdays newsletter I mentioned having the news letter more frequently, but smaller. I like the idea, but instead I decided to continue to do one news letter each month, and also have an update post made here and visible on our new portal page. This way members in general won't be pestered with email notifications, and I can still realistically keep everyone informed of changes as they happen and become relevant. So without further adieu our first Update.

Forum Changes
The majority of today was spent setting up this new forum skin, and layout. All of our proper company colors are now assigned and the function and form are within acceptable limits. Quite a few things were added and or expanded upon today. below I will go into what is new.

Portal Home Page
Work has finally begun towards starting up our Portal Home Page. This is where the main link to our forums will now direct everyone which will display our recent newsletters and updates as well as other relevant information to both staff, developers and even fans. The home button on the top header bar now directs to this portal page and a button called 'Forum' has been added to allow direct travel to our actual forums section with categories etc.
This is merely the first step in setting up the portal and the forums itself, but it is now in an efficient manner that work can resume on protocols and initiatives for our staff and developers.

The profile pages now have a section called 'Field of Expertise' where members (staff, developers, and even fans) can setup what their field of expertise is relating to our efforts.
Additionally a section was added directly below that called Portfolio Link, where members can then add a link to show examples of their fields of expertise.
I personally recommend only putting fields of expertise you have a portfolio for, as I noticed most have already which is why I thought to add the portfolio section. If you are in the process of building your portfolio then that's great, feel free to add that field, and I would suggest considering to start your own blog area, or website for your portfolio efforts.
These sections will be an excellent asset in times to come as our in house development efforts begin and when the developers with us begin to work towards pay releases.

The Frequent Asked Questions section has gotten a major update over the past 2 months. It now has a large portion of the data I would like to exist. If you have any suggestions or questions please feel free to reply here with them. I recommend everyone take a look when they get time, familiarizing yourself with the company you work with or for is a great idea.

3 Months Since Live
It's been 3 months today since our forums went live, and there for the company itself. We are planning our Grand Opening for October, and are quite excited to work towards that. I would like to thank everyone involved thus far and congratulate them on every bit put in. Allot of the effort has been on my part, but many of you have been giving me advice, and input along the way, this is priceless and helps keep me inspired to work at this 110%. Thank you fellow staff and developers for helping me bake the bread that is Bon Ink Creations, I look forward to us all being able to eat from the loaf when the time comes.

Wrap Up
That's about it for this news update. These will come in as I have something of value to report to everyone, and content in newsletters will likely touch on these events when they come out, but also deal more in depth into other stuff held off for newsletter revealing. Thanks for reading!

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