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Devs & Staff - First Time Here? (READ ME)

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Jon Bon

Jon Bon

This thread serves the purpose of properly informing both our new Staff members and Developers on how to proceed for their first time here on our work forums. If you are a normal forum user then this information does not apply to you but you are welcome to read it anyway. This is posted here in a public area so that new staff and developers can view this before their permissions are setup in order to learn how to get them setup. After your proper permissions are set you will gain access to a previously invisible forum area with further explanations on how to use your new permissions. Read the sections below for further instructions.

Membership Types
Developers are team leads or team members of a production group for video games.You are classified as a developer here if you have joined Bon Ink by recruitment or accepted application to have your work published by us. If you were asked to come on to work on in house development projects or hold a position within Bon Ink itself then you are not automatically a developer and would be a staff member, section below.

Staff members are people hired, volunteered or asked to come onto Bon Ink and hold a position where work is assigned to them. Staff members are in a sense the team members of Bon Ink's development efforts, but they also represent the people who work towards the other development teams publishing efforts on Bon Ink's end.
Some staff may also be developers through Bon Ink, however it is very unlikely for someone to hold both positions upon initially joining so it's far more likely only one applies.

Getting Proper Permissions
In order to get your permissions setup properly an Aministrator must do so for you. They require information regarding your contact within Bon Ink, your name upon contact, your display name, your studio/group name (if applicable) and your staff title (if applicable). All this information is provided in a easy copy paste format below*.

*Form with Definitions

Bon Ink Representative: (Who was the Bon Ink representative you spoke with)
Name Upon Contact: (Upon agreement to come on board what name did you give your Bon Ink contact)
Display Name: (What name did you pick for the forums, if different from your name upon contact)
Membership Type: (Developer or Staff, likely not both unless told so)
Studio Name: (If a developer what is your studio name, it can be temporary and changed at any time)
Staff Title: (If staff what title did you come on to take over, if uncertain as to the title then describe your intended job parameters based on your recruitment)

*Simple Form without definitions

Bon Ink Representative:
Name Upon Contact:
Display Name:
Membership Type:
Studio Name:
Staff Title:

Send the information to a forum 'Admin', list provided here;
Jon Bon

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